Common Reason’s why Computer Crash

Computer Crash

We’ve all been there before. You’re working on your computer, and suddenly, everything goes haywire. The screen freezes, the programs close, and you’re left with a blank screen. It’s too annoying. Many time we did a lot of work and we can’t effort to redo that work in that screen our computer suddenly crashed what will our situation??? So We must to know why do computer’s crash?


There are a number of reasons that can cause a computer to crash.

Let’s try to find out commons Computer Crashes reason’s

1. Hardware Issue.

Maybe your computer hardware not inserted properly, it’s doesn’t matter that hardware is RAM, CPU, Hard drive even your graphic card. If any hardware not correctly inserted or connected in that desire slot then our computer will be crashed anytime. So before using computer even any electronic machine we should to check all hardware’s even power cable properly.

2. Overheating.

The other common reason for a computer crash is overheating. When the computer gets too hot, it will automatically shut down to prevent further damage. A CPU or even the motherboard can be damaged. Warping, melting solder, or softening , and even combustion can occur.

Preventing your computer from crashing due to heat should be dust free. Check you PC Fan working properly???Airflow on our computer, and without any cool air flowing through it, the PC will automatically crash.

3. Outdated Drivers.

If you’re using outdated drivers, it can cause compatibility issues that can lead to a crash. Because due to outdated drivers hardware not work properly and it the also causes of computer crash So, Make sure you always have the latest drivers installed on system.

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4. Software Corruption.

If there’s something wrong with the software, it can cause the computer crash. This can be anything from a corrupt file to a virus. So every time try to use any software from official source, avoid to try third party software, third party software most of the common reason to hang computer or computer crashes.

5. Overloaded Programs.

If you’re running too many programs at once, it can overload the computer and cause it to crash. Try to limit the number of programs you’re running at any given time. If you want to run many program at the same time then you should to increase tom RAM and Hard Space better to use minimum 16 GB RAM and SSD Hard driver.


6. Not Enough Power

Computers need a stable and reliable power source to function properly. If the power supply is not providing enough power or is not stable, it can cause the computer to crash. Make sure you have a good quality power supply that can handle the needs of your computer. If you’re not sure, you can always ask an expert.


7. Improper Shutdown

If you don’t properly shut down your computer, it can cause files to become corrupt and lead to a crash. Always make sure you properly shut down your computer by clicking the “Shut down” button in the start menu. Avoid using the power button to turn off your computer as this can cause problems.

8. Malware and Viruses

Malware and viruses are one of the most common causes of computer crashes. They can cause your computer to slow down, freeze, and even crash. Always make sure you have a good antivirus program installed and that it is up to date. Scan your computer regularly for malware and viruses.

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9. Hardware Failures

The last common cause of computer crashes is hardware failures. This can be anything from a failed hard drive to a faulty motherboard. If you suspect that your computer has a hardware failure, you should

10. Gaming Computer Crashes.

One of the most common causes of computer crashes is gaming. When you play games, your computer has to work harder and this can lead to a crash. Always make sure you close all other programs before playing a game. If you’re playing a game and your computer starts to slow down, save your progress and exit the game. For gaming purpose should to use Graphic Cards always.


These are just a few of the common reasons that can cause a computer to crash. If you’re having problems with your computer, it’s always best to consult with a professional to see if they can help you figure out the issue.

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