How Internet Works and Who Owns the Internet???

How Internet works and who owns the internet

Around two-third of the world’s population, means over 5 billion people, using the web. Internet-based social media is currently considered to be the fastest and most authentic source for timely access to information. per an estimate, there are currently about 2 billion websites that are providing relevant information or entertainment to Internet users.


But have you ever have any idea how internet works??
How are these billions of Internet users and a pair of billion websites connected?
Who owns the web and who can control the Internet?

Let’s discuss these questions.
Friends, the present style of the net, which we are aware of is being go past a worldwide network of voluminous computers that are connected to the present network within the type of different layers. Whether it’s online shopping or using social media, getting information on any topic or playing online games the utilization of internet is seen in almost every sector of the globe.

To view any content on the net, one should visit a particular website, where the content is accessible.

How to get a web site name?

How Internet works and who owns the internet

Who registers our website and who controls and manages websites on the Internet?
To know the answers to those questions, it’s vital to understand some basic concepts of the net.
The data of this blog screen is stored in an exceedingly Google or server data center, which can be thousands of kilometers far from you. The long journey of this blog data from its source i.e. data center to your mobile or laptop screen is extremely interesting and unbelievable.

Any content on the net that reaches us is stored in a very data memory device like a solid state device (SSD) within the respective data center. similar to our laptop’s fixed disk, this SSD acts because the internal memory of a robust computer, called a server. The server’s job is to serve video or other stored content to the user upon request.

Now the challenge is…..


How to transfer the information stored within the data center to your device?

How Internet works and who owns the internet

Friends, to know this process of internet first we understand the concept of IP address (Internet Protocol Address).

IP address (Internet Protocol Address)

Every device that’s connected to the web, whether it’s a server, computer, or movable is uniquely identified by a sequence of numbers called an IP address. even as the unique identifier of your house is your home address and each letter or parcel sent to you reaches you due to your home address. within the Internet world, an IP address may be a shipping address and acts as a conduit through which all information reaches its destination.

Who Provide the IP address (Internet Protocol Address)

Your portable or laptop is assigned an IP address by your internet service provider. Similarly, a server in a very data center also has an IP address. The server will be your own computer or laptop, but large websites require a separate and powerful server to store data. Large websites like Google or YouTube, a whole data center is devoted to storage. Since the server stores the web site, you’ll be able to access a web site only by knowing the IP address of the server. That IP address provide by a corporation which name is IANAInternet Assigned Numbers Authority

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Now it’s very difficult for one person to recollect numerous IP addresses so to resolve this problem, domain names like or, etc. are used which correspond to the IP address.

What is DNS???

Now the question what’s DNS. DNS symbolize “Domain Name System” DNS is that the name of you IP address. For this purpose, the web uses an enormous phone book called DNS (Domain Name System). even as your transportable stores land name with their mobile number the DNS server provides an IP address equivalent to a website name. In short, after you group A name into your browser the browser sends asking to the DNS server to urge the corresponding IP address. After obtaining the IP address your browser sends the request to induce the info to the server at the respective data center once the server receives the request to access a selected website, the information flow starts.

Who Provide the DNS or how we are able to get the DNS??

Friends, the question must have are available in your mind that who assigns this name. a site name means one website worldwide, so someone has got to register and manage it. Let’s attempt to see the solution.
Any website link has two main parts, a site name and a top-level domain. as an example in, the “YouTube” is that the name and “.com” is that the top-level domain. Whenever you create a web site of your own, you have got to register its name. Similarly, an internet server is additionally required to store the content on the web site, which we’ve already mentioned. There are some websites that provide their services to store your website data, they’re called hosting websites.

The organization liable for name registration and management of the complete name system, is “ICANN”. ICANN means “Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers” includes a vital role within the internet world. ICANN plan to the net side as a top-level domains. There are formal bidding for top-level domains, and corporations that buy top-level domains are called registries. like the “.com” “.net” etc. Here you must to understand the foremost famous domain “.com” is owned by a corporation which called “Verisign”.

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What does mean’s by Registrars????

Next come registrars, registrars are that website who provide the hosting, like or ICANN manages the name System (DNS) through its certified domain registrars.
The registrars themselves don’t own the top-level domain but are authorized by ICANN to sell and register your required name to you.

Who Owns the Internet????

Friends here i need to tell you IANA Company also the property of ICAN it’s a subsidiary of ICAN.
It is important to standardize the net in such the simplest way that an individual sitting within the world whether he’s in America, Beijing or Lahore, his website is accessible to all on world of internet Internet users of the planet and this can be only possible if the storage of those websites on the net and therefore the system of knowledge transmission to the users are the identical everywhere the globe. It seems that with its extensive powers, ICANN can completely control the net and hence the owner of internet.
But friends, it is not true. ICAN is certainly a administrative body, but the web itself could be a much decentralized network but rather a set of the many separate networks any computer that’s connected to the web makes up the net and thus every computer or server during this network is connected eachother other like a internet net.

Hence it will be said that “No one owns the web and everybody owns the Internet”.

How internet Works????

Friends, let’s try and determine how all internet users and websites servers of the globe are connected to every other and the way data transmission takes place between them. Friends, a simple way is transmit data from one place to a different may be using satellite. From server center, a signal may be sent to a satellite through an antenna’s and so that signal from the satellite will be sent to your device through another antenna near you. But this method , transmission isn’t so suitable because of various reasons. The satellite is found at a distance of about 36000 km from the earth’s equator. So for data transmission to achieve success, the information has got to travel a complete distance of 72000 km. Such an extended distance causes significant delay in signal reception, which is unacceptable for many Internet applications. Moreover, in clementines affects this communication.

Apart from this, lack of bandwidth and other technical issues also hinder this manner of communication. Because Internet communication on such huge scale via satellite isn’t very suitable we now show you ways it all actually happens in practice.

For this purpose there’s an intensive system of optical fibers through which digital data is transmitted within the style of light pulses. the whole optical fiber network within the world is split into three different levels called tiers.

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What is Tiers????

Data transmission divided in 3 part’s that Parts are called Tiers.

Tier 1

In Tier1 all the continents and countries of the planet are connected through Fiber Optical. During this phase, they often have to go through difficult terrain like mountains or under the ocean. Popular Tier 1 ISPs include AT&T, NTT, Verizon and TATA Communications.

Tier 2

The second a part of Tire 2 work inside in any country. Tier 2 ISPs work to attach different states or provinces and cities within countries. Tier 2 also connect with fiber optical cables.

Tier 3

Tier 3 ISPs that only connect users in a very specific area. as an example we are living a town and that we are connected with many people from town to the planet so our connection from town to the globe connection is Tier 3.

The all Tiers (Tier 1, 2 &3) are connected to the tier one another at the back end. it’s important to know that there are some countries including Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh around all Asian countries where the tier 3 network is established with copper wires rather than optical fiber. But at the rear end definitely they connected to the current main network of  fiber.

How internet works on Mobiles

How Internet works and who owns the internet

If you access the net using cellular i.e. mobile data or any wireless internet device, in such cases the signal or data is first sent to the mobile tower through an optical cable so the info is transmitted by electromagnetic waves to your cellular phone or internet device. Similarly, the wireless router employed in our homes also wireless transmits the signal coming through the cable to your mobile or laptop. Thus, all internet users within the world are somehow connected to the present vast network of fiber and are connected to every other through this network.

How data transferred in Fiber Optical????

Through fiber, data is distributed within the type of packets and different protocols are used for this. Protocols prescribe rules for associating source and destination addresses with data packets and their security. Internet is undoubtedly a modern medium of knowledge, entertainment and communication.

In this Blog, we discussed the technology of the net and learn who is involved in building and managing this fast network. We also learn, how any content reaches us through the net.

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